a secret circus
wheels emerge
unfold into ladders
threads are tightened to shiny fibers and
crowds are reduced
children are awe-men
a large mother squats and squeezes out arp forms
they leap
fall into nothing
the crowd who believes sees this —
a body sliding behind a line
figures mirrored no glass
tightropes navigated on roller skates
body thrum
tilts executed
circles & rings are dwelled upon
vibrate into spheres
& spheres into further dimensions
time stops staccato mode
objects go blinking by
buoyed by sound
thrill swells at brink of reason
a season falls
soundscapes in darkness form certainty
upon looking directions re-orient
doors are used
figures in mad capes become each others
poetry words --- isolated --- title and tilt
bridge an intermission where a shift is focus
starlight fondles fingers and feet
tall blue ones impossibly elastic
slow is a skill
and flight
arms are joined and vibrations boost a thing
see! supple flesh age and ripple with wither
a great and futile force they laugh
a real flower from a paper one
sights to be disputed